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About Me

Studi di Calvin Theological Seminary tahun 2011-2014 dan 2018-2020
Menjadi dosen bukanlah cita-citaku, apalagi menjadi dosen sekaligus Hamba Tuhan. Waktu SMP aku bercita-cita menjadi akuntan. Waktu SMEA mau jadi filsuf tapi tidak jadi karena pikir nanti makan apa. Akhirnya ambil kuliah jurusan manajemen dan berharap setelah lulus jadi Management Consultant. Setelah lulus kuliah kerja jadi asisten marketing manager di perusahaan broker asuransi tetapi merasa tidak nyaman dan keluar melamar jadi dosen. Menjadi dosen pun tidak tentram akhirnya studi di sekolah teologi dan setelah lulus menjadi dosen agama dan teologi.

Ditabiskan menjadi penginjil Sinode Gereja Kristus Tuhan (GKT) pada akhir tahun 2016 di GKT 3 Malang, Jawa Timur.

Saat ini melayani Tuhan di STT Aletheia, Lawang, Jawa Timur, mengajar mata kuliah Teologi Reformed, Filsafat, Logika, bahasa Yunani, Misiologi, Sejarah Gereja Umum, dan English for Theological Student.

English Version
I was baptized in 1989 and have served the Lord since then. After graduated from Trisakti University, I started to teach at the Trisakti School of Management. God called me to seminary and I studied at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jakarta. After graduation, I worked as a lecturer at Pelita Harapan University. I taught Christian Religion and Systematic Theology from 2007 until 2011 and 2014. I took M.T.S degree from Calvin Theological Seminary from 2011 to 2014 and after graduation I returned to Pelita Harapan University. I was called to serve as a faculty member at Aletheia Theological Seminary. In 2015, I moved to Lawang, East Java, and started to teach at Aletheia Seminary. I took Th. M. degree from Calvin Theological Seminary from 2018 to 2020. Now I teach at Aletheia Theological Seminary.

I was ordained in 2016 at Christ the Lord Church (GKT 3 Malang), East Java, and served as a faculty member at Aletheia Theological Seminary, Lawang, East Java. I taught Reformed Theology, Philosophy, Logic, Greek, Missiology, Church History, and English for Theological Students.

Teaching is my passion and also a gift from the Holy Spirit. I have taught since graduation and I will do so for the rest of my life. Helping others to become followers of Christ, helping them to grow, and training the seminarians in Indonesia is my deep passion and calling. I left my secular jobs and have started this ministry.

Name: Ali Salim
Marital Status: married
Hometown: Jakarta, Indonesia
Last degree: Master of Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI, USA.
Occupation: Faculty member of Aletheia Theological Seminary, Lawang, East Java.

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